Dress Code & Equality

by, Unknown
Students here in Malaysia complain about how unfair that they are wearing uniforms, how equality of dress code troubles them. well hey! read this! and you'll be lucky that no one is going to judge you on what type of jeans your wearing, branded or non-branded jeans. i read this on https://www.facebook.com/BryanStarQuotes ( Music > Everyone) 
it is a sad moments when i read this, as an born and raised Asian kid, i always grew up watching and heavily influenced by american programming. from watching flicks like Lizzie McGuire , That's so Raven, The OC etc... I honestly thought that being a students in the US is a cool thing, 
when i read about this post on FB its a heartbreaking moment that small things like dress code & equality can effect ones life in school, giving a traumatic impact on their psychology.
as a concern human beings i hope that all students here in Malaysia take into consideration why our ministry of education require us to wear uniforms to school, read this and you'll know why. 

So, tomorrow morning, I will be putting these through out my whole school. Yes. I'm making copies. I'm so tired of the unfair dress code policy. Today, a teacher who had short shorts on and her bra straps were showing, gave me dress code because my jeans had holes where my knees are. It's unfair. So every other girl in school who has their ass hanging out of their shorts doesn't get dress code?! But if I wear jeans with holes in them I do? Fuck you Niguel Hills. 

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