Rape victim sentenced 200 lashes by Saudi court

by, Unknown


first and foremost i dont know if anybody's reading this shit. i dont even know is anybody is even viewing my blog. i just wright and thats it. so here goes! if you are reading click on the link above and you'll know what it is all bout

teach your boys how to behave before scoring your daughters for going out.! 
enough is enough! 

when such stories occur! all i can ask my self is why do people still treat females like an animal? this is just so wrong! its sad to see how there is still a group of people out there thinks that man has some sort A-level treatment that they can escape rape and abuse .! thing like these make me sick!! this is just terrible!

owh wait i forgot! Of course they don't respect women. To these savages, women are just subhuman beings who exist only to serve men.

I find an attractive feed back from a person name Kyle. i couldn't agree more to what he said! thank you Kyle! seriously this has been the most logical feed back i've heard so far!  and this is what he say : 

The only way i see out of this mess is to continue pushing the world to separate religion from policy making and to continue promoting values like freedom and inalienable human rights. We should not do business with or associate ourselves with countries or organizations that don't follow these basic principle. We should try to regain our moral standing in the world by decrying such acts and to lead by example. The only way for the world to eventually unite is through the common ground of reason, logic and mutual respect. 
People can do whatever they want with there free time but as more and more people continue to reject religion, the worlds people will see that there is nothing to fear. They will see that people can still thrive without a religious doctrine. Eventually religion will fade to a shell of its current form and the atrocities so common today in the name or religion will be fewer and farther between. The resentment between cultures, races, religions will fade, and for once we can combine our resources for the greater good of our species rather than leverage our resources against one another.
none of this can happen with the impediment that is institutionalized religion. None of this can happen without education that is founded in sound reason and logic not ancient dogma. how can we expect the worlds children to be objective and rational if the first thing they re thought is to believe in something only because they are told. Faith is the vehicle by which children are tought to deny reality. This opens up a very dangerous door that can have them believing anything under the sun and justifying by any means they believe is acceptable. 
Religion had its chance to carry humanity, and it likely served a valuable purpose in getting humans where we are today, but its time is done. It is time for realism and humanism to take us through to the next era of human accomplishment whos hallmark will be unity of the human species under a foundation of reason, logic, science, freedom and goodwill.

and so to say, 

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