Not so hipster

by, Unknown

Yup it has been awhile since i woke up very early in the morning, freshen up, makeups and went to work.

I resigned from my previous job at Kota Kinabalu Wetland as i was determined to focus on the band. 7 month went by and yes it was a struggle financially. Loans, car, band, food, etc.. I guess i never thought it would be this hard. 

I survived by doing part time stuff like freelance makeup, being a replacement teacher and now working in a civil engineering company. I guess this will keep on going the way it is as long as im in a band.

What im trying to say is, when you want something, you must be damn passionate about it and give it your 100% . I once heard a quote saying :

"You can be whatever you want, but make sure you are very good and put a lot of hardwork to it, never give up!"

I am very passionate with this band, and it takes most of my commintments (job, family, friends) into risk. But i do believe that, 

"if someone are willing to take you for what you are, they are your true someone"

And so far everything went well for the humans that are closed to me. Mom n dad start to accept the fact that i wont be around them that often for i have to earn a living, i wont be able to give them much money for i am pennyless and travel for shows and stuff. My friends on the other hand, some stayed and some gone, the one who stayed were always there for me when im in trouble.

To be in a band, u cannot deny that you must have some financial support. With the timeline of a band, yes it is soooo hard to get a proper job, that is obviously the things that you sign up to when you decided to be in a serious band, it is the dream of every individual in the band, what ever the risk are, you must give your very best and committ. 

For some reason, i feel really sleepy right now. Office are always the best place to feel sleepy and fall asleep.

Thanks for reading this very annoying post! 

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